Philip Simmons

Philip Simmons

Organizational Research Analyst

Intuitive Surgical


Philip Simmons is a California based industrial organizational psychologist. His research focuses on how employee attitudes and contextual factors (i.e., leadership support, executive diversity, rational) affects the effectiveness of diversity initiatives. As a practitioner, Philip has developed science-based employee measurement systems, selection processes, and organizational improvement strategies. Passionate about technology, he seeks new approaches to blend the science of organizational research with data science.

  • Human Motivation
  • Selection Systems
  • Performance Management
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • R Programming
  • PhD in I/O Psychology (ABD), 2021

    University of Nebraska at Omaha

  • MA in Social and Personality Psychology, 2017

    University of Nebraska at Omaha

  • BA in Psychology, 2013

    Rowan University


Research Methodology
Statistical Analysis
Survey Design
Data Visualization
Report Automation
Program Evaluation


Organizational Research Analyst
Aug 2018 – Present Sunnyvale, California

Responsibilities include:

  • Development and execution of an employee lifecycle measurement strategy that includes employee onboarding, engagement, pulse, ad-hoc, and exit surveys
  • Analyze and summarize research findings for a variety of clients
  • Create scaleable reporting tools, dashboards, and applications in R Shiny and Tableau
  • Provide consulting services to enhance organizational improvement efforts.
People Analytics Intern
Jun 2018 – Aug 2018 Sunnyvale, California
Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design, develop, test, and deploy a secure enterprise-wide Organizational Health dashboard.
Data Science Intern
May 2017 – Aug 2018 Peoria, Illinois

Responsibilities include:

  • Responsible for the development of surveys, reports, and dashboards across business units (e.g., employee satisfaction, website user experience, consumer product perceptions, consumer brand value perceptions, etc.)
  • Reduced cost of the Caterpillar global brand equity survey by $100,000 while improving the company’s ability to action the data.
  • Led employee engagement research to inform management strategy and interventions that improved productivity of field-based employees.
  • Performed controlled experiments on office environment design that determined the effect of cubical vs. open office plans on employee satisfaction and productivity across jobs. The results of this work led to office reconfigurations to properly match jobs with the most appropriate environments.
Graduate Research Assistant
Dec 2016 – Aug 2017 Lincoln, Nebraska

Responsibilities include:

  • Contributed to a $15 million grant project from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Administration to attract, retain, and support child welfare social workers.
  • Conducted extensive literature reviews on employee performance and turnover.
  • Co-developed methods designed to recruit and retain welfare workers across the United States.
People Analytics Intern
Jun 2016 – Aug 2016 Palo Alto, California

Responsibilities include:

  • Consulted on Tesla’s annual engagement survey to achieve greater data reliability and validity.
  • Helped solve business problems by providing expertise and delivering presentations on proper statistical analysis and research design.
  • Contributed to the improvement of selection procedures involving production line managers. Improvements were intended to promote top talent, improve productivity, and decrease employee turnover during manufacturing expansion without evidence of bias or discrimination.
Human Capital Consulting Associate
Mar 2015 – May 2016 Omaha, Nebraska

Responsibilities include:

  • Developed a pre-employment assessment that accurately predicted employee tenure and performance.
  • Consulted with clients and created technical manuals, reports summarizing research and statistical findings, and dashboards that suited their specific needs.
  • Conducted the data collection and statistical analysis of employee engagement surveys for Omaha-area non-profits. Presented clear and simple actions that leaders can take to improve their organizations.
  • Conducted adverse impact studies and EEOC analyses to ensure fairness of in-house designed selection tools and systems. Studies were prepared as defensive materials in the case of litigation.
  • Provided literature reviews and recommendations for clients on employee motivation, morale, and culture.

Recent Conference Presentations

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(2020). I-O’s in Healthcare: Translating Research and Theory into Practice. Presented at 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Conference Canceled).

(2016). Perceptions of Diversity Training: A Mixed Methods Study. Presented at 11th Biennial Convention of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.

(2015). Management support, employee cynicism, and diversity training effectiveness. Presented at Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting.

(2014). Effects of management support and rationale on diversity training effectiveness. Presented at 10th Biennial Convention of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.
